Health, Safety and Environment Policy

The health, safety, and environment of our employees and the communities where we operate are our top priority. We prioritize employee health with regular check-ups and safety training. We implement best practices and strict protocols to ensure the safety of our employees and the environment. We follow sustainable practices to minimize our environmental impact and meet international standards of environmental responsibility.

Policy in the field of industrial safety, labor and environmental protection

The purpose of the Policy is to create and ensure the safety of employees' health, reduce the negative level of harmful effects on the environment with the rational use of natural resources to preserve a favorable environment for future generations; ensuring production and reliable functioning and effective development of the North Caspian base for environmental response to oil spills in accordance with modern safe technical and environmental requirements of international standards that meet and exceed the expectations of customers. In order to implement the Company's Strategy, Karakudukmunay LLP assumes the following obligations:
• Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international and national standards, internal documents of the Partnership in the field of OSH and environmental protection;
• preservation of life and health of workers and people around;
• ensuring the integrity of assets and reliability of equipment;
• continuous development and improvement of the OSH and environmental management system based on the best achievements of international best practices, as well as key performance indicators of the Partnership;
• setting goals in the field of OSH and environmental protection, aimed at a steady decrease in industrial injuries, occupational diseases, accidents and negative impact on the environment;
• introduction of safe and resource-saving technologies aimed at reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency
• formation of a high level of corporate culture of employees in the field of OSH and environmental protection;
• personal responsibility and involvement of each employee of Karakudukmunay LLP for compliance with OSH and EP requirements, as well as involvement in the implementation of OSH and EP activities;
• leadership and commitment of managers of all levels of Karakudukmunay LLP in the implementation of OSH and environmental protection programs;
• identification and management of OSH risks at all stages of production activities;
• immediate notification, timely and objective investigation and accounting of all accidents and occupational diseases, accidents and incidents in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and corporate documents, with an objective determination of the reasons in order to develop effective measures to prevent them;
• Continuous training and professional development of employees on OSH and EP issues;
• providing employees with guarantees of the legal right to refuse to perform work in the event of a situation that reasonably poses a threat to the life and health of the employees themselves or the people around them;
• ensuring constant readiness of personnel and production facilities to act in emergencies and emergencies;
• responsibility of contractors for compliance with corporate OSH and EP requirements;
• carrying out on a regular basis the assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the OSH and EP management system in order to determine the progress achieved and compliance with this Policy.
• Ensuring transparency and awareness before the customer, the shareholder, partners, employees, government agencies, the public and other interested parties about the aspects of Karakudukmunay LLP in terms of health, safety and environmental protection, the reliability of information, its content and efficiency;
• The Policy applies to all employees of Karakudukmunay LLP, as well as employees of contractors providing services at the facilities of Karakudukmunay LLP.

Health and Occupational Hygiene Policy

LLP "Karakudukmunay LLP" in all areas of its activities guarantees a healthy working environment and strict adherence to hygiene standards at the workplace of all employees. The management of Karakudukmunay LLP assumes the following obligations in the field of health protection and industrial hygiene:
• assess risks in the workplace in accordance with the applicable recommendations, principles and practices of the company;
• prevent possible health risks and reduce them to the possible minimum at all production facilities of LLP "Karakudukmunay LLP";
• detect and assess the risks associated with the products used in the activities of the Partnership;
• Ensure that adequate quantity and quality of personal protective equipment is available, such as masks, respiratory and hearing protection equipment, etc.;
• prevent, where possible, occupational diseases by improving appropriate technologies and working methods;
• inform your employees about chemical risks, potential biohazards and precautions during use, transportation and storage of such materials;
• stimulate prudent behavior in relation to infectious and / or viral diseases such as AIDS, malaria, bite of wild animals, influenza type A, etc .;
• assess and manage work-related stresses in order to create a healthy work environment that satisfies the needs of all employees;
• together with the relevant medical services, carry out regular professional medical examinations of the employees of Karakudukmunay LLP.

Sustainable Development Policy

The sustainable development policy of Karakudukmunay LLP underlies its strategy for further economic growth, ecological balance and social development. In order to promote sustainable development and reduce the ecological footprint, Karakudukmunay LLP undertakes:
• support all initiatives aimed at improving activities in relation to the protection of biological diversity;
• minimize waste generation in general, and recycle and / or recycle waste where possible;
• reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the fleet of vehicles and production equipment, as well as improve the process of preventive maintenance of factories and equipment owned by both Karakudukmunay LLP and its customers;
• rational use of energy, reducing its consumption during construction and maintenance of production facilities;
• provide employees with the opportunity to take part in improving the performance of Karakudukmunay LLP by teaching them procedures that contribute to sustainable development;
• regularly inform its employees and clients about the activities of Karakudukmunay LLP and its results in the field of sustainable development.

Quality Policy

The main activity of Karakudukmunay LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Partnership) is activities related to the creation and operation of the North Caspian Environmental Oil Spill Response Base (hereinafter referred to as the CEBR) and the provision of services related to the creation of infrastructure facilities to support offshore oil operations carried out on the Caspian Sea shelf to eliminate emergency oil spills (hereinafter referred to as OSR). The partnership provides the following services:
Ø for the lease of the SCERB facility, fully equipped with modern equipment and ready for operation in case of emergency;
Ø for life support and maintenance of SKEBR;
Ø on the elimination of accidental oil spills in the northern part of the Caspian Sea, related to the reduction of damage to ecosystems.

In an effort to meet the needs of customers as much as possible, the Partnership adheres to the following principles:
- timely and high-quality provision of services that fully meet the reasonable requirements and expectations of each consumer;
- ensuring an uninterrupted supply of resources to the CEBR;
- partnering with suppliers through managed and measurable processes, monitoring and analysis to take effective action to improve the services provided;
- preservation of the prestige of the Partnership and the creation of a stable authority and high trust of the customer;
- ensuring consistent quality by preventing non-conformities, rather than by detecting deviations;
- maintaining high professional qualifications of personnel through continuous training;
- satisfaction with the activities of the Partnership of all interested parties: internal and external consumers, suppliers, society.

The management takes the lead in fulfilling its commitments in the field of quality and for the implementation of which the main directions are defined:
- striving for the success and prosperity of the Partnership through the improvement of the quality management system;
- control over the services provided at all stages of the life cycle of the services provided;
- promoting the application of a process approach and risk-based thinking;
- improving the efficiency of resource use;
- formation and development of an effective system of personnel training using new information technologies on the priorities of quality management.